Video games
Video Games has been a major role in kids. video can be enjoyed and played with. But, it can also be violent, sexual and offensive to people and children. Kids love playing with there PS3, X-BOX and their small portable carrying games. The kids under the age of 10 play these types of games and parents who are not checking the rating of the game and buying it for the kids.
Video Games can be described into educational and serious ways of games. Educational games video games has been changing into many new features as to introduce in games and systems. Barack Obama has introduced a new system as for kids to improve their educational skills and video games has brought a new system of games as for the kids to learn about education.There are many different types and styles of educational games all the way from counting to spelling to games for kids and games for adults. Some other games do not have any particular targeted audience in mind and intended to simply educate or inform whoever views or plays the game.
Serious games has been a major role of distortion in houses. kids who gets frustrated with the games start throwing the games or controllers away and breaks stuffs such as mainly TV's. Some kids takes the games way too seriously and react it to their parents or to their friends.
These are some ways that video games can become an negative and bit of a positive way to children.
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