Good drinks and Bad drinks have been gone through all over the world. Diet soft drinks, ice teas, fruit juices, coolers,every year, about 1,000 new beverages come onto the market, targeting our rising incomes and our innate fondness for anything sweet.They're changing they way we get our nutrients. Over the past 20 years, we've added between 630 kilojoules (150 calories) and 1260 kilojoules (300 calories) to our daily diet - and half of this additional amount is from drinks. About 20 per cent of our total energy intake now comes from beverages.
Water is tasteless and it's not much of a reason to get together with those old friends. 'I know a great little garden tap' isn't much of an invitation. best, from the point of view of health is tea. Both black and green tea contain antioxidants and studies have shown them to lower the risk of heart disease and possibly cancer.Coffee is also high on the list it appears to lower the risk of diabetes . Coffee might also lower the risk of bowel cancer. But too much caffeine can increase the risk of heart disease - less than 400 mg a day (which equates to four or five cups) is safe.Adding milk, cream, and sugar means added kilojoules and fats and pushes both tea and coffee further down the list, however. It's best taken black.
Full cream milk on the other hand is high in calories and saturated fat and has been linked with heart disease and should be avoided, the researchers say. Next comes diet soft drinks There's no evidence these sweeteners are harmful, but there's no evidence that they're safe over the long term either. Next are fruit juicesegetable juices like tomato and multi-vegetable juices are a good substitute; they have less calorie than fruit juices, but even so it's better to eat the vegetables. Smoothies are especially high in kilojoules and should be avoided.Then there's alcohol in large amounts alcohol causes serious disease like liver cirrhosis and cancer. Beware spirit-based coolers which are sweetened with sugars and are high in calories.
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